Norton Grange Hotel, Rochdale
Hi again, updated post from the weekedn, we hired out our white spandex chair cover and dark purple spandex bows for the Wedding Ceromony which was held at the Norton Grange Hotel Rochdale. The Wedding was in the restaurant area of the hotel, therfore the set up was delayed, due to this. We managed to get into the room at 11:30am to start setting up, we were O.K. with the times as the wedding was not due to start at 3:00pm. However something which we may have missed, or in another way not told that we woul dhave to hang around until 3:30pm to finish off the room and the top table due to the space and the ceromony partition becomes part of the overall floorspace. Did not plan this in....and did not build into the cost, but as the contract agreement had been agreed, we would never let a bride or groom down, and decided to stay at the hotel for some lunch!. We were able to set up the 7 centrpeices which the bride has asked to hire from us, these were the ostrich feathers which we have recently included in our packages. We hired out 7 table centrpieces in a 80cm tall lily vase, with pink water crystals, an L.E.D. light in the base, placed on a round mirror glass plate and sprinled pink and clear crystal sprinkles on the tables and the top table, we decorated in total 5 tables with the centrepiece and chair covers and the top table had a whopping 14 guests on it - this is huge! We could not put pur silk swag on the top table due to the size, therefore opted for the large white organza swag with three bows to match the chair covers. In addition we provided 2 ostrich feathers table pieces for either end of the top table, you can see these in the pictures provided. The room looked amazing! and we were pleased with the chair covers and bows, due to the chairs were restaurant chairs and not the usual banquet chair which majority of other venues use. We did not get chance or the opportunity to meet the bride and groom, but asked for feedback on the decoration we provided. The following morning when I went to collect the goods at around 8:30am I was shocked to find all the pink feathers missing from the decorations we hired out. the hotel staff stored these in the "Willow Room" and I asked one of the staff about when they were moved to this room, is this how they were, and the night porter came through who acknowledged that some guests had taken some of the feathers during the party and what was left in storage is what was there! I was a little surprised that I lost 14 white feathers and 10 pink feathers. Its frustrating as I need to backfill my stock and the customer depost will not be fully refunded due to missing items we hired out. In addition to this when I was packing up, I saw a guest walking down a corridor with a load of pink and white feathers, before I could confront the guest, she had gone, so it just goes to show that goods we hire out get taken without permission and its the bride who paid the security deposit who looses out. Lessons learnt here from me, is to always warn coupled who hire out the feathers, that guests will afer a few drinks start to play with these and even take them home with them.